Sunday, March 11, 2007

Mascotte brings out the best of Zurich

You'd think of banking, wealth and perhaps food... but not alternative nightlife. Well that's right, but in all wealthy cities, you have an alternative crowd, loud and boiling, ready to shove it off. Mascotte, housed in one of the cities most beautiful buildings, the Corso, welcomes this urban vibrant youth. Punks, students, hippies, we're all there, enjoying, having a good time, and yes, right accross from the world's most exclusive private banks. Tuesday night is the big night with the hard rock karaoke -which reminds you somehow of Germany-. It reflects Zurich : relaxed, elegant and multicultural.

Mascotte club
Theaterstrasse 10 // 8001 Zurich // Switzerland

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an opinionated guide to alternative nightlife and urban culture. what else?